Friday, July 5, 2013

Adding to the Summer Bucket List

We went to the Science Center a few weeks ago and had a blast!!  I'll let the pictures tell most of the story.  We'll be going back soon :-)

In one of the rooms they had tape and cardboard scraps for the kids to make sailboats and then see if they would float in the water table.  They all did for at least a little bit!

Elsie fell in love with the turtles.  Big, small.  It didn't matter.  When we found a turtle we were stuck there for quite a while!

The butterflies, of course, were a big hit.  They sprayed some sugar water on a couple of our fingers to attract the butterflies.  One landed on Ava pretty much right away.  It took some patience to get one for Elsie but we did get one!  (Jon was able to come join us for a bit.)

The exhibit room was a lot of fun!  Ava could have spent HOURS in there.  She was especially fascinated by the tangled rope course.  You put a rope around your waste and then hooked it to the corresponding color in the course.  You then had to crawl/climb up and over and through so you didn't get tangled with the other colors.  She LOVED it and was surprisingly good at it.

More fun exploring.

My favorite caterpillar and butterfly!

Monday, July 1, 2013

June 2013...Nana Style

 Nana came for a visit in June.  As usual we were all excited for her to be visiting and as usual we stayed busy :-)

We took a trip to Blowing Rock for a little play time at the park (Nana has those pictures) and some shopping at The Last Straw.

Then we drove in to Boone for some "Chicken Playground" aka Chik-fil-A.  The play area was crazy and there were several little boys climbing all over everything that wasn't supposed to be climbed on.  But we still had fun!

Then we spent an afternoon at the pool where Ava and I got a nice little sunburn.  But we were so proud of Ava for swimming like a fish even in the deep end and coming out of the slide.

 Saturday was a nice trip to the library where Nana and I enjoyed watching Ava enjoy storytime and Jonathan played with Elsie at the puzzles.  Ava was excited to find a book that had Elsie's name in the title.

When we got back from the library it was time for Nana to head back home to Papa.  "Bye, Nana!  We'll miss you!!"

Elsie snuck back inside before the rest of us and pulled down the donuts that her, Nana, and Ava had gone to get that morning.  The little stinker was trying to sneak some "nonuts"!
We can't wait until we get to hang out with Nana again.  Looking forward to what else we might get into this summer!