Saturday, August 27, 2011

First Foods

Elsie has started real food!!  I can't believe it's time for that already.  She is doing great, too.  She was so ready.  Our family (attempts) to follow the Paleo diet way of life so we didn't want to start her on (or really ever give her) the traditional cereals.  Instead her first food was fresh avocado, full of wonderfully healthy fat and one of my favorite foods!  I was determined to have someone else in my house who likes avocado and Elsie loves them.  She has since also had banana and will have squash soon, all freshly mashed by me (or her dad)!  Big sister Ava loves to help mash the food and feed Elsie a few spoonfuls.  And here are the pictures...
 Her first smell...
 Opening up...
 Feels a little funny...
 Getting more...
Avocado face!!!

In doing some "babies first foods" research I was happy to find that more and more parents are giving things other than cereal as babies first food.  AND it is now being recommended by many that meats be started as early as 7 months.  I keep ending up at this site when doing my research but there are others out there that share similar information!


I only blogged ONCE in July.

And now August is almost over.

I failed!!!