There is absolutely no way I can catch up on the last (almost) 2 years so I figured I would go back just a couple of months instead. Jonathan's been working hard at his job and has taken on some responsibilities at church which include helping with almost any relating to electronics and most recently, reading the scripture each Sunday morning. I started a part time job as church secretary at the first of the year. I'm blessed that I'm able to take Elsie with me when I have no one to watch her. Elsie and I attend BSF every Wednesday and thoroughly enjoy it. Ava is finishing up preschool and will start Kindergarten in the fall. She really excited to go to her "big school". She has really gotten into playing games. Mario and Pictionary are probably her favorites!! Here's a glimpse into what we've been up to lately.
Supper time outside.

Evening strolls.

Easter Egg hunts.

Springtime yard work with Daddy.

Swinging at Grandma's.

And enjoying these sweet, sweet moments with the girls.

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